Xnap™ PCount
People Counter
The latest deep learning technology with extremely compact size People Counter. Xnap PCount is an all-in-one turnkey solution for people counting appliance for traffic analysis of retail shops, shopping arcades, and theme parks. Powered by PoE (Power Over Ethernet), PCount employs stateof-the-art computer vision and deep learning technology to achieve exceptional high people counting accuracy and robustness. Shop’s interior designer would welcome PCount’s patented outlook design that conceals the main body of the appliance behind false ceiling to maintain aesthetics of the shop. PoE design, light weight, compact size, high coverage. The installation is as easy as a CCTV camera.

Salient Features
- Deep learning technology based massive real-life training database to achieve accuracy at or above 90% at irregular entrance line
- Store traffic for in and out. Gender, age, emotion detection on customer face.
- All-in-one package: image capture, traffic analysis, data transmission
- Dual power input: PoE or DC12V
- Support offline operation
